Compliance training software

Secure staff compliance with engaging, AI-powered training solutions. Easily share or create gripping, gamified compliance training courses within a few clicks.


Introduction to Lingio compliance training software

Lingio’s compliance training software uses the power of AI to deliver gamified, mobile-based courses tailored to your organisation's needs. Our platform simplifies the creation and delivery of compliance training, ensuring that your employees remain informed and follow industry regulations. By providing staff with fun and interactive training courses, Lingio helps maintain compliance standards while reducing learning time and costs. Choose from our ready-to-go compliance courses or transform your current material for customised training.

Why choose Lingio compliance training software


Swift and effective compliance training

Lingio's solutions ensure fast and high-quality compliance training. Our mobile-based training rapidly brings employees up to speed on important regulations and standards, providing thorough understanding and adherence. Our compliance training solutions are developed with expertise from experienced educators who understand the most effective techniques for teaching busy on-the-go employees.

Higher compliance course completion rates

While compliance training is often considered uninspiring and tedious for staff, Lingio's courses are designed to be gripping and exciting to complete. Our platform features gamified elements such as quizzes, real-life simulations, and storytelling to keep employees motivated throughout the training process. Compliance topics that would otherwise be complex to learn are easier to comprehend, resulting in higher course completion rates and better retention of compliance information.


Easily accessible, mobile-based compliance training

Lingio’s software compliance training is designed to be fully accessible on all mobile devices, ensuring that employees can complete their training anytime, anywhere. This mobile-first approach provides unparalleled flexibility, allowing staff to complete the material at their convenience. Lingio’s micro-learning courses make it easy to fit employee training into busy schedules so it's as unobtrusive as possible. 
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Features and capabilities

How does Lingio’s compliance training software work?

step 1

Create compliance training with the AI Course Creator

Start by uploading your existing compliance training materials into the AI Course Creator – any text file format is supported. In just a few clicks, your document will be transformed into a training course. 

Alternatively, you can create a compliance training program from scratch by entering or pasting text directly into the platform. You can also generate a course on specific compliance topics by inputting relevant keywords. Additionally, you have the flexibility to customise one of our premium, pre-made courses to meet your unique company requirements.

step 2

Train staff with the Gamified Learning App

Once your training courses are prepared, deliver them to your staff effortlessly with our mobile-friendly Gamified Learning App. Employees can access their training anytime, anywhere for maximum flexibility. The app’s micro-learning courses ensure focused and efficient retention of information. In-app translations into over 100 languages make the training accessible to a diverse workforce so all employees grasp and adhere to compliance standards effectively.

step 3

Monitor progress with the Tracking and Coaching Portal

Support and oversee your employees' compliance training journey using our Coaching Portal. Managers can assign courses, track progress, and obtain valuable insights through comprehensive analytics. Automated reminders and encouragement help keep employees on track without the need for continuous manual intervention. The Coaching Portal’s user-friendly interface facilitates seamless communication and efficient management of training, demonstrating the importance of training and ensuring your team stays compliant and productive.

Pia Nilsson Hornay HR Manager Scandic Hotels

Scandic The largest hotel operator in the Nordics

Scandic is partnering with Lingio because their services generate great value for our employees – and as a result for our organisation as well. Not only that, Lingio are really enjoyable and easy to work with – they help us to be successful and we have a truly genuine partnership.
– Pia Nilsson Hornay
HR Manager Scandic Hotels
AmbeaThe leading care provider in Scandinavia.
I am very happy that this course has become a reality. It is something that we have been asking for from the business for a long time. Villa Dalénum is a multicultural workplace with employees from all corners of the world. Many of our employees come directly from nursing education and we are their first workplace as assistant nurses. That alone is a challenge and then it is extremely valuable to be able to use Lingio to improve language skills.
– Heidi Heino
Operations manager at Villa Dalénum on Lidingö, Vardaga.
Stockholms Stad ● City of Stockholm
The language app is easily accessible and requires no user accounts or digital skills. You can also choose to learn the language with the support of your mother tongue. The concept where pedagogy and games work together is a strength and is experienced by many as entertaining. At Kista Jobbtorg, for example, we have a woman who took a bus driver's license and in that training feels that she benefited greatly from Lingio's language course for bus drivers.
– Sara Friberg
Deputy unit manager at Kista Jobbtorg, Stockholm City
Hemfrid ● Market leader in professional cleaning
We are proud to be a workplace where many foreign-born people start their careers in Sweden. Therefore, we want to be an employer that gives committed people a chance to learn about the Swedish labor market. The fact that we can offer language teaching is a great opportunity that increases the status both of our employees who become more employable, and of us as a company as more people apply to Hemfrid.
– Sofia Lindgren
Education manager at Hemfrid

Frequently asked questions

What is compliance training software?

Compliance training software educates employees on laws, regulations, and company policies relevant to their job roles. It typically automates training creation, distribution, and tracking, ensuring that employees understand and adhere to compliance standards, mitigating risks, and enhancing workplace safety. 

What type of compliance courses can Lingio create and support?

Lingio's compliance training software is highly versatile. It can support the creation and delivery of a wide range of compliance courses tailored to meet various industry standards and regulations. 

Some of the key compliance areas Lingio can cover include: 

  • Cybersecurity
  • GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)
  • I-9 Compliance
  • HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points)
  • HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)
  • OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration)
  • ITAR (International Traffic in Arms Regulations)
  • SOX (Sarbanes-Oxley Act)
  • ISO 9001

Lingio allows you to easily create or customise courses on compliance topics like these to fit your organisation's specific needs.

Why is it important to train employees on compliance?

Training employees on compliance is essential for maintaining legal and regulatory standards within an organisation. It helps prevent legal penalties, improves workplace safety, protects the company’s reputation, and ensures that all staff are aware of and adhere to industry-specific laws and internal policies, creating a culture of accountability and integrity.

What is Lingio’s compliance training software?

Lingio is a learning management system (LMS) using AI to create and deliver interactive, gamified courses accessible via mobile devices. It simplifies training by providing engaging compliance courses or transforming existing materials into interactive lessons, ensuring employees stay informed and adhere to regulations. The platform promotes efficient learning and higher course completion rates.

What makes Lingio’s compliance courses more engaging?

Lingio’s compliance courses are designed to be engaging and exciting through gamification. Elements such as quizzes, real-life simulations, and storytelling keep employees motivated and make complex compliance topics easier to understand. This approach results in higher course completion rates and better retention of compliance information.

What is the best compliance training software?

The best compliance training management software depends on your organisation’s specific needs and preferences. Some key features to look for include ease of use, customisability, gamification elements, mobile accessibility, and robust tracking capabilities. Lingio's compliance training software stands out by offering AI-powered, gamified courses that are mobile-based and highly engaging. However, it’s always best to compare multiple solutions to find the one that best fits your unique requirements.

"Lingio is the best tool that Nobina has ever offered their employees"

Bahman Mirtorabi | Bus driver at Nobina

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