Lingio Employee Coaching Portal

Engage staff and transform your team

Empower your team with streamlined course distribution and insightful progress overviews

Trusted by corporations and public authorities to train their staff every day

94% recommend Lingio


Automated engagement

Keep your team on track and motivated with our automated nudging system. The Coaching Portal sends timely reminders and encouragement directly to employees, ensuring continuous progression through their training courses. This hands-off approach allows for consistent employee engagement without the need for constant manual oversight.
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Training insights for ROI

Our Coaching Portal offers a birds-eye view of your employees' Learning App results and progression, enabling managers to pinpoint areas of strength and opportunities for growth. Enhanced with detailed reporting features, our portal allows you to quantify the impact of training on operational performance, making it easier to demonstrate the value of investment in your team's skills development. Monitoring and providing feedback on your team's learning journey is simple every step of the way.


Effortless course distribution

Share knowledge and resources effortlessly across your organisation with our user-friendly course distribution feature. With a simple click, you can assign courses to individuals or groups, ensuring that every team member has access to the training they need to succeed. Eliminate logistical challenges and enjoy seamless staff training.

Features and capabilities

Reach your training goals

Easy course distribution and communication

Easily distribute training courses and communicate efficiently with your team. In just a few clicks, managers can assign courses to individuals or groups. Our streamlined communication tools also allow for sending automatic text messages and email invites, keeping staff informed about new opportunities and deadlines, leading to improved course completion rates.


Progress tracking and coaching

Monitor and support your team's training with real-time insights through our Coaching Portal, which provides a detailed overview of each employee's performance. Gain full access to staff’s activity levels and training results at both individual and team levels, with clear breakdowns of completed and pending topics. Automated reminders and encouraging messages help maintain high motivation levels, ensuring continuous progression and engagement. Real-time progress updates and performance analytics allow managers to provide immediate feedback and tailor support to address specific needs.

Analytics and reporting for ROI

Use our comprehensive analytics to measure the effectiveness of your training programs and clearly demonstrate their return on investment (ROI). The Coaching Portal offers detailed access to training results at both the individual and team levels. This enables managers to assess skills effectively, pinpoint areas needing improvement, and tailor future training initiatives accordingly. Additionally, we facilitate the issuance of diplomas or certificates, providing tangible proof that staff meets or exceeds the required competencies.

Pia Nilsson Hornay HR Manager Scandic Hotels

Scandic The largest hotel operator in the Nordics

Scandic is partnering with Lingio because their services generate great value for our employees – and as a result for our organisation as well. Not only that, Lingio are really enjoyable and easy to work with – they help us to be successful and we have a truly genuine partnership.
– Pia Nilsson Hornay
HR Manager Scandic Hotels
AmbeaThe leading care provider in Scandinavia.
I am very happy that this course has become a reality. It is something that we have been asking for from the business for a long time. Villa Dalénum is a multicultural workplace with employees from all corners of the world. Many of our employees come directly from nursing education and we are their first workplace as assistant nurses. That alone is a challenge and then it is extremely valuable to be able to use Lingio to improve language skills.
– Heidi Heino
Operations manager at Villa Dalénum on Lidingö, Vardaga.
Stockholms Stad ● City of Stockholm
The language app is easily accessible and requires no user accounts or digital skills. You can also choose to learn the language with the support of your mother tongue. The concept where pedagogy and games work together is a strength and is experienced by many as entertaining. At Kista Jobbtorg, for example, we have a woman who took a bus driver's license and in that training feels that she benefited greatly from Lingio's language course for bus drivers.
– Sara Friberg
Deputy unit manager at Kista Jobbtorg, Stockholm City
Hemfrid ● Market leader in professional cleaning
We are proud to be a workplace where many foreign-born people start their careers in Sweden. Therefore, we want to be an employer that gives committed people a chance to learn about the Swedish labor market. The fact that we can offer language teaching is a great opportunity that increases the status both of our employees who become more employable, and of us as a company as more people apply to Hemfrid.
– Sofia Lindgren
Education manager at Hemfrid

Frequently asked questions

What is the Lingio Coaching Portal?

The Lingio Coaching Portal is designed for managers to coach employees and empower teams. It includes features such as streamlined course distribution, progress tracking, and automated engagement. 

How can the Lingio Coaching Portal improve team training and development?

The Coaching Portal enhances the process of coaching an employee by offering a birds-eye view of progress and Learning App results. It includes detailed reporting for ROI analysis and an automated nudging system to keep employees motivated and on track with their training. This comprehensive approach ensures that every aspect of employee training and development is covered, making it easier for managers to support and coach their teams effectively.

How does the automated engagement feature work?

The automated engagement feature is a key component in coaching for employee development, sending timely reminders and encouragement directly to staff. This ensures employees stay motivated and make consistent progress through their training. By fostering an environment of continuous encouragement and support, the feature eliminates the need for constant manual oversight, allowing for a more efficient and effective coaching approach to employee development.

Can the Lingio Coaching Portal help identify areas of improvement for employees?

Yes, the portal is an integral part of the employee coaching process, enabling managers to pinpoint employees' focus areas for growth with ease. Thanks to its detailed reporting features and analytics on training impact and employee progression, the portal provides a solid foundation for understanding and enhancing the coaching process. This facilitates a more targeted and effective approach to employee development.

Is the Lingio Coaching Portal suitable for all types of organisations?

Yes, the portal is designed to be versatile and user-friendly, making it especially suitable for HR managers and any business looking to enhance its team's development and training outcomes. However, the Lingio Coaching Portal works especially well for those training frontline staff members, such as those in the hospitality, healthcare, cleaning, transportation, and facility management industries.

"Lingio is the best tool that Nobina has ever offered their employees"

Bahman Mirtorabi | Bus driver at Nobina

Get started with Lingio Coaching Portal

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