Training Read time: 21 minutes

Calculate your employee training ROI: Formula and optimisation insights

Image of Fredrik Selander
Fredrik Selander
Published: Apr 15, 2024
Updated: Aug 06, 2024


Calculate your training ROI: Formula and optimisation insights

Measuring and optimising the return on investment (ROI) in employee training is essential in the corporate world. This is not just about justifying budgets. It's about ensuring every training session moves the needle towards achieving key business goals.

This guide cuts through the complexity of calculating training ROI, providing a clear, actionable approach for L&D managers. We start by defining what ROI means in the context of employee training and why it's critical for aligning training initiatives with organisational success. Then, we dive into the specifics, introducing the key metrics and the formula you need to calculate your training ROI effectively.

We also examine strategies to enhance training ROI, emphasising the role of technology, specifically AI, in making training more efficient and impactful. Here, Lingio's AI-first approach offers a glimpse into how modern solutions can transform training programs, reducing costs and improving outcomes.

This is your opportunity to take charge of redefining successful training. Let’s begin!


Understanding employee training ROI: The what and why

Diving into the concept of employee training ROI illuminates its essence and underscores its importance within the broader context of organisational growth and success. This exploration is vital for anyone looking to bridge the gap between training activities and measurable business outcomes.

What is training ROI?

Training ROI is a metric that assesses the financial return on investment from training programs, comparing the cost of training against its benefits. This calculation provides a clear, quantifiable measure of a training program's effectiveness in contributing to organisational objectives.


Why measure training ROI?

The significance of measuring training ROI goes beyond mere fiscal responsibility. It plays a crucial role in aligning training efforts with strategic business objectives, ensuring that investments in employee development yield tangible, beneficial outcomes. Key benefits include:

  • Assess strategic alignment: Demonstrates how training programs support and advance organisational goals, ensuring that training investments are directly linked to business outcomes.
  • Promote financial accountability: Provides a concrete basis for evaluating the cost-effectiveness of training expenditures, promoting responsible financial stewardship.
  • Guide program optimisation: Identifies high-impact areas for training development, allowing for strategic resource allocation to enhance overall training effectiveness.
  • Bolster stakeholder confidence: Offers quantifiable proof of the value training programs bring to the organisation, increasing stakeholder trust in training as a strategic investment.
  • Enhance organisational growth: Fosters a continuous learning and improvement culture, equipping employees with the skills needed to drive the company forward in a competitive market.

This understanding sets the stage for a deep dive into the specific metrics and formulas on how to calculate training ROI, steering you towards maximising the effectiveness and impact of your training programs.


Key metrics related to training ROI

Before diving into the arithmetic of calculating training ROI as a definitive number, it's essential to understand the landscape it inhabits through related key performance indicators (KPIs). These KPIs act as individual brushstrokes in a larger portrait, detailing the nuances of training effectiveness and its alignment with organisational goals.

Let's now explore five key KPIs that provide a foundational framework on how to calculate ROI in training and development, setting the stage for more detailed analysis.

How To Measure and Calculate Employee Training ROI 1


1. Employee performance improvement

This KPI measures the extent to which employee productivity, efficiency, or output improves as a direct result of training programs. The direct impact of enhanced employee performance on organisational success makes this KPI a crucial indicator of training effectiveness. Higher performance levels can lead to increased revenue and cost savings, contributing positively to the ROI of employee training.

How it can be calculated: Performance improvement of training participants can be quantified through metrics such as increased sales volume, reduced task completion time, or enhanced quality of work.

2. Knowledge retention

Knowledge retention evaluates the longevity and applicability of the knowledge acquired from training sessions. Sustained knowledge retention ensures that the training has a lasting impact, allowing for the continued application of skills that support organisational goals. It's a testament to the training's efficacy and its ability to generate long-term value.

How it can be calculated: This KPI is typically measured through post-training assessments, quizzes, or practical demonstrations conducted at various intervals after the training has concluded. For example, measuring this KPI for a sales training program could involve evaluating sales team members' ability to recall and utilise sales tactics and strategies in their pitches and interactions, directly influencing sales outcomes.

3. Skill acquisition

Skill acquisition tracks the new abilities and competencies employees gain as a direct outcome of participating in training programs. New skills can fill organisational gaps, drive innovation, and enhance competitiveness. The ability to acquire and apply new skills directly translates into business growth, marking this KPI as a significant contributor to training ROI.

How it can be calculated: Evaluation of skill acquisition is often done through performance assessments, task observation, or employee self-reports on the application of new skills.

4. Employee engagement and satisfaction

This KPI assesses employee engagement and satisfaction levels following training interventions, reflecting on the training's relevance and impact on morale. Engaged employees are more productive, loyal, and likely to contribute to a positive workplace culture. Improvements in this area can reduce recruitment costs and increase productivity, directly affecting the ROI of training programs.

How it can be calculated: Surveys, interviews, and turnover rates are common methods for measuring employee engagement and satisfaction changes.

5. Course completion rate

The completion rate of a training course indicates its engagement level and perceived value by employees. High completion rates, especially those achieved through employee training software like Lingio, underscore the effectiveness and appeal of training content. Lingio's mobile-based learning platform, enhanced by gamification and AI, achieves up to 12x higher course completion rates, ensuring a broader impact across the workforce and significantly boosting training investments.

How it can be calculated: This KPI is quantified by dividing the number of participants who completed the course by the total number of enrollees.

The significance of delving into these metrics is their capacity to offer a rounded view of how training influences financial outcomes and organisational dynamics. As we discuss the formula to calculate training ROI, this comprehensive perspective will guide our approach, ensuring training delivers financial returns and strategically advances the organisation.


A simple formula to calculate training ROI

By understanding and applying this formula, managers can make data-driven decisions about future training endeavours. Here's a focused look at how the training ROI formula works and the meaning behind its components.

ROI (percentage) = ((Monetary benefits – Training costs) / Training costs) x 100

How To Measure and Calculate Employee Training ROI 2

Breaking down the ROI formula for training

  • Monetary benefits: This component represents the total financial gains attributed to the training program. These benefits can be direct, such as increased sales or productivity, or indirect, such as reduced turnover rates or lower recruitment costs. Calculating monetary benefits may involve analysing performance metrics before and after training, estimating cost savings, or attributing a monetary value to improved outputs.
  • Training costs: These are the total expenses incurred to design, develop, and deliver the training program. Training costs include direct expenses like materials, software, or instructor fees and indirect costs such as the time employees spend in training instead of performing their regular duties.

For those keen on a deeper exploration of this topic, our guide on the cost of training employees offers a comprehensive analysis. It clearly breaks down training expenses and offers practical tips for maximising efficiency.


Implementing the formula: A step-by-step approach

  1. Identify and quantify monetary benefits: Calculate the financial impact of the training, such as revenue increases or cost savings. Use pre- and post-training performance metrics to accurately quantify these benefits.
  2. Aggregate training costs: Compile all expenses related to the training program to get a comprehensive view of the total cost. Ensure all direct and indirect costs are included to reflect the investment accurately.
  3. Calculate the ROI: Subtract the training costs from the monetary benefits to find the net financial benefit. Divide this number by the training costs and multiply by 100 to convert the result into a percentage.

By meticulously applying the ROI formula, training managers can provide concrete evidence of any staff training program’s contribution to the organisation's financial health.


5 useful approaches to support measuring ROI for training programs

To effectively gauge and enhance the returns on training investments, incorporating diverse measurement strategies can offer comprehensive insights. Here are some practical methods you can try.

1. Leverage a training ROI calculator

A training ROI calculator simplifies the process of calculating the return on investment for your training programs. By inputting key figures such as training costs and observed monetary benefits, these calculators automate the computation, providing a quick and straightforward estimation of ROI.

This method is especially useful for training managers looking for a hassle-free initial assessment of training effectiveness, enabling quick adjustments and decision-making.


2. Implement supervisor assessments

Supervisor assessments involve gathering feedback from managers and supervisors on the performance improvements and skill acquisitions observed in employees post-training. It can offer an on-the-ground perspective of training effectiveness, highlighting areas of success and opportunities for improvement from those who work closely with the trained employees. This qualitative data can be quantified and used alongside the main ROI formula to provide a more nuanced understanding of training impact.


3. Conduct an impact study

Impact studies involve a detailed analysis of the before and after effects of training, focusing on specific performance metrics, employee behaviour changes, and business outcomes. This approach allows for a deeper investigation into how training programs influence key business indicators.


4. Apply the Phillips ROI methodology

The Phillips ROI training evaluation model extends beyond the basic ROI calculation by incorporating intangible benefits and adjusting for the time value of money. It involves evaluating the training impact at different levels, from reaction and learning to application and business impact, ultimately calculating ROI on training.


5. Track on-the-job skill application

For organisations focused on frontline workers, monitoring the practical application of learned skills in the workplace is key. This method evaluates how employees implement training in their daily tasks, directly linking training effectiveness to operational improvements. It's particularly useful for seeing tangible outcomes like better customer service or safer work practices, offering a straightforward measure of training ROI.


Enhancing training ROI: Proven strategies and technologies

This section delves into effective strategies and technologies that can significantly improve your training ROI, emphasising alignment with business goals, implementing robust evaluation methods, and integrating advanced technologies to streamline and enhance the learning experience.


Align training objectives with business goals

To maximise training ROI, the cornerstone strategy is to ensure that training objectives are meticulously aligned with the organisation's broader business goals. This strategic alignment involves a careful analysis of organisational objectives and then tailoring training programs to support these aims. For instance, if a company has busy frontline staff, it becomes essential to create training materials that are mobile-friendly and easy to consume on the go so that the upskilling exercises don’t lead to significant operational downtime.

Microlearning offers an excellent solution for this scenario. It breaks down complex information into bite-sized, manageable pieces, making it ideal for frontline employees who need to fit learning into their hectic schedules. Drawing inspiration from innovative microlearning examples, organisations can design engaging and impactful training modules that directly address the critical need for efficiency in training delivery.



Implement effective training evaluation methods

Evaluation methods are another way to enhance training ROI, providing a comprehensive view of training effectiveness. Some methods you can implement include:

  • Pre-and post-training assessments: Measure immediate training impact and learning outcomes, pinpointing specific areas for improvement.
  • Ongoing performance evaluations: Track the long-term application of new skills, ensuring training aligns with evolving business needs.
  • Surveys: Provide insights into the training experience, highlighting effective aspects and identifying opportunities for refinement.

This systematic approach to evaluation empowers organisations to make informed decisions, optimising training strategies to meet the evolving demands of their workforce and the market.


Leverage technological innovations


The demand for technology in training programs is increasingly evident as the corporate training landscape evolves. Integrating powerful software like learning management systems (LMS) and learning analytics platforms is revolutionising how training content is delivered, personalised, and evaluated. These tools make learning more engaging and accessible and enable continuous refinement of training strategies through actionable insights.

The potential of AI tools in reshaping traditional training methodologies is particularly noteworthy.

Lingio’s employee training platform is pioneering the application of generative AI in training programs for the frontline workforce, showcasing how this technology can drastically reduce the time required to develop courses.

By allowing AI to generate and tailor courses according to specific requirements, Lingio helps save weeks of development time. Organisations can either utilise editable course templates or input their internal training documents, and Lingio's platform transforms this content into interactive, mobile-optimised learning experiences. This process not only accelerates course production but also ensures the resulting training is engaging, accessible, and effective


Inspiring success stories of high ROI training programs

Explore these narratives to understand the multifaceted ways in which training investments can drive substantial returns, reflecting the broad spectrum of strategies that lead to enhanced organisational performance.


1. Boys & Girls Clubs of America (BGCA)

The Boys & Girls Clubs of America (BGCA) exemplifies a remarkable success story in increasing ROI on employee training. Faced with leadership capability gaps and constrained resources, BGCA embarked on a focused initiative to enhance leadership skills across its network. By employing a capability model to identify four key skills critical to organisational performance, BGCA tailored its training programs to target these areas specifically. This strategic alignment of training objectives with organisational goals led to significant improvements in membership growth and fundraising efforts, showcasing well-designed training programs' direct impact and substantial ROI.

BGCA's approach offers a valuable blueprint for organisations seeking to optimise their leadership training ROI and underscore the strategic value of developing employee capabilities in alignment with business objectives.

2. The Spången Project with Lingio

To amplify training ROI, Lingio partnered with the City of Stockholm for The Spången Project to bolster employees' language skills in elderly care. This initiative uniquely integrated Lingio's AI-powered language courses alongside conventional teacher-led training, resulting in participants developing language proficiency four times faster than traditional methods alone.

Lingio's use of generative AI to customise and accelerate course creation addressed specific learning needs, demonstrating the profound impact of marrying technology with personalised learning. The project showcased significant efficiency improvements and heightened participants' confidence and job performance, underscoring the tangible ROI of integrating innovative training solutions.

A participant from The Spången Project encapsulated the impact of Lingio's training, saying,

"I am a better colleague and work more efficiently now that I understand what I have to do and why."


Beyond initial success: Sustaining and growing training ROI

Achieving a high Return on Investment (ROI) from training programs is a significant accomplishment for any organisation, but the true challenge lies in sustaining and enhancing this success over time. The dynamic nature of business and the continuous evolution of industry standards demand that training programs not only adapt but also progressively improve. Here are some strategies that underpin the continuous growth of training ROI.


1. Cultivate a culture of feedback for continuous refinement

Feedback is the cornerstone of improvement. Establishing a robust feedback loop from all stakeholders - trainees, trainers, and management, provides critical insights into the effectiveness of training programs. This continuous stream of feedback should be systematically analysed to identify both the successes of current training initiatives and areas where adjustments are needed. Regularly soliciting and acting on feedback ensures that training remains relevant, engaging, and closely aligned with both learner needs and business objectives, thereby driving incremental improvements in ROI.


2. Embrace iterative improvement with agile methodologies

Adopt iterative approaches like the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle and agile methodology to optimise training programs continuously. These methodologies encourage regular evaluation and swift adaptations, making it possible to respond effectively to changing needs and emerging challenges. By applying these iterative processes, training programs can evolve in step with organisational growth, ensuring sustained impact and relevance.


3. Revolutionise training adaptability with Lingio's advanced LMS


The agility of training programs hinges significantly on the adaptability provided by your LMS. Lingio's capabilities stand as a prime example of how an innovative LMS can revolutionise the flexibility and efficiency of training.

At the core of Lingio's innovative approach is its AI-powered course creator, which streamlines the process of updating and customising training content. This feature allows for rapid adjustments in response to new information, regulatory changes, or feedback from learners and trainers alike. The ability to swiftly adapt training content ensures that learning materials are always relevant, engaging, and aligned with the latest industry standards or organisational goals.

Furthermore, Lingio's Coaching Portal provides a comprehensive overview of training programs, offering insights into learner progression and achievement. This level of visibility enables training managers and coaches to make informed decisions, tailor learning paths for individual needs, and recognise accomplishments in real-time.

Overall, in a world where the only constant is change, Lingio's advanced LMS represents a critical tool for maintaining the relevance and effectiveness of training strategies.


Harnessing training ROI: From measurement to mastery

This guide has walked you through the crucial aspects of calculating and optimising training ROI, from establishing a foundational understanding to applying strategic enhancements. We’ve outlined how to measure training ROI, leveraging key metrics and formulas, and introduced methods to make these evaluations actionable for businesses of any size.

Highlighting technology's impact, especially AI's role, we’ve showcased strategies for maximising training effectiveness. Lingio’s innovative approach illustrates how modern technologies can streamline training development and customisation, promising significant improvements in ROI.

It's an invitation to transcend traditional boundaries and venture into a realm where training ROI is not just a metric but a dynamic, ever-evolving journey towards excellence.

Request a Lingio demo today and embark on a path to redefine the benchmarks of training success.


1. What is the best time for calculating ROI of training programs?

The optimal timing for measuring ROI for a training program encompasses both immediate and long-term assessments to capture the full spectrum of training outcomes. Initially, measuring ROI in training and development shortly after completion allows for the evaluation of immediate knowledge acquisition and learner satisfaction, which are crucial for gauging the effectiveness of training.

However, the importance of ROI in training extends beyond these immediate outcomes. Long-term evaluations, conducted several months post-training, are vital for assessing sustained knowledge retention, behavioural changes, and the ultimate impact on performance and business metrics.

Balancing these timelines is essential. While immediate assessments offer quick feedback for potential course corrections, long-term evaluations measure ROI of training programs in enhancing performance, driving business results, and contributing to organisational goals.
This approach aligns with best practices for how to measure ROI in learning and development, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of training's effectiveness over time.


2. What challenges do organisations face with attributing indirect costs in training ROI calculations, and how can they be addressed?

Addressing the challenge of attributing indirect costs in training ROI involves understanding the nuanced impacts beyond direct financial outputs, like improved morale and productivity. A balance, merging quantitative assessments with qualitative insights, offers a more reliable approach on how to measure ROI in training and development.

This includes:

  • Cataloguing costs: Define indirect cost components like employee downtime, project delays, etc.
  • Impact analysis: Assess how these costs affect overall productivity and company morale, contributing to the ROI.
  • Integration methods: Develop strategies to integrate these costs into the overall ROI calculation, ensuring they are not overlooked.
  • Continuous monitoring: Establish a system for ongoing evaluation of these costs to adjust the ROI calculation as needed.


3. How do variations in training delivery methods (e.g., in-person, online, blended) affect ROI calculation?

Different training delivery methods come with distinct cost components directly impacting ROI calculations. In-person training often involves substantial expenses related to venue, travel, and on-site facilitators, which can quickly escalate the overall cost. While eliminating many of these physical costs, online training requires investment in technology platforms and content development. Blended learning, combining aspects of both, incurs a mix of these costs but aims to optimise the balance between digital and physical training environments. Understanding these cost structures is crucial for accurately assessing the financial efficiency of each training method, enabling organisations to allocate resources for maximum ROI strategically.


  1. McKinsey, (2010), Putting a value on training

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Image of Fredrik Selander
Fredrik Selander
Fredrik Selander is the Head of Marketing at Lingio, an EdTech company specialising in gamified employee training. With a passion for technology, aviation, and the limitless potential of generative AI, Fredrik brings a creative and innovative perspective to his work. His love for travel fuels his curiosity, making him a dynamic force in the world of digital marketing.

Table of contents

Calculate your training ROI: Formula and optimisation insights

Understanding employee training ROI: The what and why

Key metrics related to training ROI

A simple formula to calculate training ROI

5 useful approaches to support measuring ROI for training programs

Enhancing training ROI: Proven strategies and technologies

Inspiring success stories of high ROI training programs

Beyond initial success: Sustaining and growing training ROI

Harnessing training ROI: From measurement to mastery



Begin training your employees now!



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