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The importance of cybersecurity training

Image of Ellie Swain
Ellie Swain
Published: Dec 13, 2023
Updated: Aug 14, 2024


Protection for the deskless workforce

Did you know that 86.29% of the global population own a smartphone? That means there are 6.92 billion smartphone users across the world.

We live in an increasingly interconnected world where technology isn't just a luxury but a necessity. Our lives are powered by a wealth of digital information that travels across networks and devices, breaking boundaries and redefining how we live and work. While the rapid growth of technological developments introduces a whole new level of convenience and productivity, it also opens the door for more and more potential cybersecurity threats. 

For employees that don't work from a traditional desk or office space, such as healthcare workers, cleaners, and bus drivers, navigating the cybersecurity landscape is challenging. Many people spend most of their work on their feet and don’t have the time to sit down at a desk or attend an event for cybersecurity training. This is where flexible and engaging cybersecurity training comes into play.

Cybersecurity is no longer just the IT department's responsibility. Cyber threats don't discriminate between the CEO and an elderly care worker; everyone is a potential target. The unassuming email that appears to be from your boss, the software update prompt on your device, or the public Wi-Fi at your favourite café can all be gateways for cybercriminals.

Keep reading to discover the benefits of cybersecurity training and how to make it as effective as possible for staff.



The benefits of cybersecurity training

Let’s go over just a few of the benefits of implementing a cybersecurity training strategy within your workforce.

Reduces the risk of data breaches 

Firstly, the most obvious benefit is that cybersecurity training equips teams with the skills necessary to identify and avoid potential threats. For example, they can learn to identify phishing scams, use secure networks, regularly update software, and create strong, unique passwords. 


Provides financial protection

Cybersecurity incidents can be incredibly costly. Beyond the direct financial losses caused by theft, companies may also face indirect costs such as those associated with system recovery and downtime. By reducing the likelihood of security breaches, cybersecurity training offers a cost-effective means of financial protection.  


Meets legal requirements

Regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the EU and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in the U.S. require businesses to protect consumer data actively. Failure to comply can result in severe penalties, including hefty fines. 

By offering cybersecurity training, you ensure your workforce understands these obligations, knows how to handle personal data, and stays updated on any regulatory changes. 


Safeguards company reputation

Data breaches can seriously damage an organisation's reputation, leading to lost business and diminishing trust among customers and stakeholders. Ensuring your workforce is well-trained in cybersecurity practices reinforces the protective measures necessary to maintain your organisation's integrity. 

Remember, rebuilding trust post-breach can be much more complex and costly than investing in preventive measures like employee cybersecurity training. 


Creates a culture of security

Training employees in cybersecurity helps foster a culture of security within the organisation. This encourages everyone to be vigilant and proactive about cybersecurity, regardless of their role or location. 

Such a culture is critical in today's digital era, where the 'security perimeter' is no longer confined to the physical office space but extends to wherever your employees are working. 

By reinforcing the importance of everyone’s role in maintaining cybersecurity, deskless workers become an integral part of the solution rather than potential points of vulnerability. They become well-informed gatekeepers, each playing their position in the collective defence against cyber threats.


Boosts staff confidence and morale

Knowledge is empowering. When staff know how to spot and handle threats, it can significantly boost their confidence at work. 

This sense of empowerment also leads to improved morale and productivity, as employees can work without constant fear of inadvertently causing a security incident. This is particularly relevant for deskless workers, who may feel isolated or disconnected from traditional office-based support and resources. 



How to choose effective cybersecurity training

Cybersecurity training should be an ongoing, embedded process within your organisation. However, the challenge isn’t just providing training but ensuring it’s effective and engaging. 

Here are some strategies for choosing effective cybersecurity training.


Include real-world situations

Cyber threats are ever-evolving, and no two are the same. Effective training should incorporate real-world scenarios that reflect actual dangers your employees might encounter, providing practical, hands-on experiences. Such real-world situations can include phishing attacks, security drills, or breach response exercises. 

By teaching employees about potential situations they could encounter, they can gain a deeper understanding of threat patterns and learn how to respond effectively under pressure. 

Provide engaging content 

Let's face it: cybersecurity training can seem intimidating and technical to many. To ensure learning is retained, it needs to be interesting and engaging. 

Be sure to share training material that incorporates various multimedia such as videos, infographics, and interactive quizzes to present information in an easy-to-digest manner. 

Gamification can also encourage participation and facilitate learning by awarding points, badges, or rewards to employees who successfully complete tasks or score well on assessments. 


Offer accessible and flexible learning

Cybersecurity training should be accessible from any device and easy to understand. Offering mobile-friendly, intuitive training ensures staff can access the training material at their convenience, such as when they’re on a break, commuting, or at home. 

Training modules should be flexible, allowing employees to learn at their own pace and revisit the content as needed. 


Supply continuous learning and regular assessments

Cyber threats don’t stand still, and neither should your training. Regular updates and training reflecting the latest threats and defence strategies should be provided. This will ensure your employees' knowledge stays current and relevant. 

Moreover, assessments should be conducted regularly to gauge the understanding of your employees. These assessments also provide feedback that can help refine and improve future training content. 


Deliver custom learning paths 

Cybersecurity isn't a one-size-fits-all subject. The training needs of an elderly care worker will be different from those working in transportation. 

Therefore, creating personalised learning paths that consider your employees' unique roles, responsibilities, and technological environments can make training more relevant and effective. 


Promote open communication

Encourage employees to ask questions, report potential threats, and share their experiences. By promoting a dialogue around cybersecurity, you can foster a culture where security is everyone's responsibility and employees feel comfortable seeking advice or reporting issues. 


Demonstrate leadership engagement

Remember, employees are more likely to take training seriously if they see their leaders engaged and setting an example. Leaders can demonstrate their commitment to cybersecurity by actively participating in training sessions, sharing their learning experiences, and communicating regularly about the importance of cybersecurity.


Empower your team with Lingio

Embracing cybersecurity training for the deskless workforce isn't just a smart move; it's a necessity in our digital age. While the whirlwind development of technology offers a world of opportunities, it also presents new threats that require vigilance and education to manage. 

By investing in comprehensive cybersecurity training, businesses can help their employees become protectors in the digital world. Our strongest defence against threats isn't just the technology we use but the knowledge we possess. 

At Lingio, we’re here to help supercharge your cybersecurity training strategy. Currently, we offer four premium, expertly-crafted cybersecurity training courses to equip your staff to safeguard your data, protect your operations, and ensure your organisation's success.

These courses are all gamified, mobile-friendly, and can be customised to meet your unique requirements

Discover more about our cybersecurity courses

Table of contents

Protection for the deskless workforce

The benefits of cybersecurity training

How to choose effective cybersecurity training

Empower your team with Lingio

Easy and engaging cybersecurity awareness training



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