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16 learning and development trends 2024 to discover today

Image of Fredrik Selander
Fredrik Selander
Published: Jan 30, 2024
Updated: May 03, 2024


Learning and development trends: What to expect in 2024

As L&D program managers and corporate trainers, your role in guiding your organisations to success is more crucial than ever.

Grasping the latest trends enables you to design learning experiences that aren’t only forward-thinking and deeply engaging for today's learners.
This guide highlights some notable learning and development trends poised to reshape the L&D landscape in 2024 and beyond.

Our coverage is extensive and insightful, spanning the gamut from integrating generative AI and AR in training modules to the emergence of microlearning and the growing focus on mental health support.

We aim to empower you with valuable insights that enable you to leverage these trends effectively, ensuring that your L&D initiatives are impactful and visionary.

Let's dive in, trend by trend!



1. Data at the helm: Steering L&D with metrics and analytics

Gone are the days when gut feelings guided training. Learners and organisations crave hard facts and figures in today's fast-paced world. It's not just about learning anymore - it's about understanding and measuring that learning through clear data and analytics.

The importance of a data-driven learning strategy extends beyond mere trend adoption. For L&D leaders, aligning learning initiatives with business objectives is paramount, and data is the key. Learning analytics offers not just insights into the ROI of current programs but also highlights areas needing improvement. This approach enables a more strategic allocation of resources and clearer justification for L&D budgets. Monitoring metrics like course completion rates serve as vital indicators of learner engagement and the effectiveness of training content.

Lingio's AI eLearning platform embodies top trends in learning and development like this, setting a high standard with course completion rates 12 times higher than similar products. This is a testament to the platform's ability to engage learners effectively and drive meaningful results.

2. The personal touch: The custom learning approach takes centre stage

This trend moves away from the traditional 'one-size-fits-all' approach, focusing instead on learning experiences uniquely tailored to each individual's needs.

Today's organisations blend Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z - all digital natives with varied learning styles and preferences. Personalised learning acknowledges these differences, offering a more engaging and effective approach to training. It meets learners where they are, adapting to their pace, style, and interests, which can lead to increased retention and a more profound learning impact.

For L&D professionals, this means designing training programs that are flexible and adaptable, ensuring that each learner's journey is as unique as their learning needs.

Lingio is at the forefront of this trend, offering custom courses that cater to the unique needs of each user. Using AI and machine learning, Lingio analyses learners' progress and adapts content in real-time, ensuring that each learning path is as unique as the individual. This approach enhances engagement and ensures that training is relevant, practical, and directly applicable to the learner's role and goals.

3. Safe spaces for learning: Encouraging risk-taking and expression

Psychological safety in learning environments rapidly becomes a key focus in crafting better L&D programs. This trend revolves around creating spaces where learners get soft skills training and feel comfortable experimenting, taking risks, and expressing their opinions without fear.

The impact of psychological safety in learning settings can’t be overstated. It nurtures an environment where mistakes are viewed as learning opportunities and diverse ideas are welcomed. This approach is essential for encouraging innovative thinking and high-quality learning outcomes. For L&D professionals, it means developing programs that impart knowledge, instil confidence, and encourage open, honest communication.

A recent study demonstrates a clear correlation between psychological safety and increased creativity, especially in project-based learning scenarios. It reveals that psychological empowerment plays a pivotal role in this relationship, and a culture that tolerates and learns from faults significantly boosts the impact of psychological safety on creativity.

4. From classroom to screen: The rise of blended training methods

The shift from exclusively in-person training to a blended approach incorporating online learning will become a key corporate learning and development trend in 2024. This transition, largely accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, has seen organisations worldwide adapting to and embracing the flexibility and reach of online learning channels alongside traditional methods.

It combines the personal touch and interaction of in-person training with the accessibility and versatility of online modules, making it ideal for both in-office and remote work settings.

A testament to Lingio's effective implementation of blended learning is our collaboration with the City of Stockholm in The Spången Project. This initiative, aimed at enhancing language skills in elderly care, demonstrated that integrating Lingio's digital courses with traditional teacher-led training can expedite learning outcomes significantly. Participants in this project experienced a notable acceleration in language proficiency, achieving results four times faster than with conventional methods alone.

5. Learning at the speed of need: The shift to on-demand education

The transition to on-demand and just-in-time learning represents a major shift in L&D, where training is accessible instantly and as needed. This model allows employees to access learning materials precisely when required, moving away from the constraints of scheduled training events. It's a practical solution, ensuring learners aren't burdened with irrelevant information and can focus on immediate skill application.

Lingio’s AI platform incorporates this trend, which is especially evident in its partnership with Ambea, Scandinavia's leading care provider. Ambea's caregiving professionals, often pressed for time due to the demanding nature of their work, found traditional learning methods challenging. Lingio's solution was to offer mobile-based courses, allowing caregivers to engage in language learning that’s both efficient and accessible at any time and place. This partnership demonstrates how Lingio’s AI course creation tool makes training simpler, more enjoyable, and transformative for busy employees.

6. Inclusive learning: Fusing D&I with L&D strategies

Integrating L&D with Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) initiatives is becoming increasingly vital in the modern workplace. As highlighted in Glassdoor's 2020 Diversity Hiring Survey, over 76% of job seekers and employees regard a diverse workforce as a crucial factor when evaluating companies and job offers. This trend reflects an evolving understanding that effective L&D programs must not only impart skills and knowledge but also foster an inclusive and diverse work environment.


The integration is beneficial for several reasons. Firstly, it acknowledges and supports employees' diverse backgrounds and needs, leading to a more inclusive workplace culture. This approach helps reduce biases and promote equity, enhancing employee engagement and satisfaction. For organisations, it means developing a skilled, culturally competent, and empathetic workforce, which is crucial for global business success.

Reflecting this imperative, Lingio’s collaboration with ISS, a world leader in facility management, showcases a profound commitment to staying aligned with such corporate learning and development trends. Recognising the diversity of ISS's workforce, which includes over 100 nationalities, Lingio partnered to enhance language skills as part of ISS's comprehensive D&I strategy.

7. Community at the core: Social dynamics in L&D

This approach pivots away from isolated learning experiences, embracing a model where community interaction and peer engagement are at the heart of knowledge acquisition. It taps into the collective wisdom of groups, fostering a learning environment rich in dialogue, shared experiences, and collaborative problem-solving.

This translates to a workplace culture where knowledge sharing becomes healthy, sparking innovation and dynamic teamwork. Organisations adopting this method witness a more skilled, versatile, and interconnected workforce. The focus is on fostering a community within the workplace, where learning is seen as a shared journey, and every individual's experience and perspective contribute to the collective growth and success.

In essence, new learning and development trends like the rise of social and collaborative learning in L&D are a reflection of a broader shift towards more inclusive, engaging, and community-focused education methodologies.

8.  Immersive learning: Harnessing VR, AR, and mixed reality in L&D

16-Learning-And-Development-Trends-2024A chart showing AR training active users by vertical. Source: ABI Research

Extended Reality (XR) represents one of the most promising technology trends in learning and development, with VR, AR, and Mixed Reality transforming the sector from traditional methods to immersive experiences. Blending digital and physical realities, XR offers immersive learning experiences that were once confined to the imagination.

Realistic simulations provided by VR and AR allow hands-on experience without the risks and significantly enhance knowledge retention. Moreover, XR brings accessibility, making it possible to simulate scenarios that are otherwise hard to replicate due to geographical or financial constraints.

Supporting the trend's momentum, the launch of the Apple Vision Pro headset has given a significant thumbs-up to the advancements in XR technology. Apple Vision Pro's sophisticated AR and VR capabilities demonstrate the technology's growing feasibility and accessibility, indicating a bright future for XR in various sectors, including L&D.

9.  Empowering learners: The rise of user-generated content in LXPs

The employee training sector is witnessing a transformative trend with integrating user-generated content within Learning Experience Platforms (LXPs). This shift underscores a move away from one-directional learning approaches, fostering an environment where learners aren’t just consumers but active contributors to the educational content.

When learners contribute content, their engagement levels soar, leading to a more invested and meaningful learning journey. This approach brings diverse perspectives to the table, as content created by many users offers a richer, more varied learning experience.

Additionally, the rapid development of user-driven content keeps learning materials fresh and aligned with evolving industry trends, something traditional methods struggle to achieve. Notably, like many emerging trends in learning and development, this presents a cost-effective solution to L&D challenges, reducing reliance on expensive content creation resources.

10. Remote revolution: Rethinking training for virtual teams

This trend's significance lies in its alignment with the evolving work landscape, where flexibility and digital integration take centre stage. Virtual training platforms have become indispensable, offering a myriad of benefits. They provide learning opportunities that aren’t confined by geographical limitations, allowing organisations to seamlessly disseminate training across various locations. This adaptability is crucial in today's fast-paced, globally connected business world.

Cost efficiency is another compelling aspect of this trend. By leveraging virtual training, organisations can significantly reduce the overheads associated with physical training facilities, travel expenses, and printed training materials. This cost-effectiveness and the broad reach of virtual platforms make it attractive for businesses looking to optimise their training expenditure.

Lingio sets a benchmark with its AI-powered, mobile-first training solutions. Lingio’s platform is tailored for today’s diverse and dispersed workforce, offering training that’s both accessible and engaging. This makes it particularly effective in transportation, hospitality, and healthcare industries, where employees often need flexible training options that complement their dynamic work environments.

11. Play to learn: The power of gamification in learning

The crux of gamification's significance in L&D is its ability to transform learning from a passive activity into an active, engaging experience. Incorporating game-like elements such as point scoring, challenges, and leaderboards, it taps into the innate human desire for competition and achievement.

One study found that 83% of employees who experienced gamified training reported feeling motivated, while traditional training formats left 61% of workers feeling disengaged and bored.

A prime example of Lingio's capabilities in gamification is highlighted in their collaboration with Nobina, the Nordic region's largest public transport operator. This project involved breaking down the handbook into bite-sized, digestible chunks with interactive questions and gamified elements, significantly enhancing engagement and learning efficiency. This approach made learning more interesting and fun and ensured that Nobina’s staff could effectively absorb and apply the information needed for their roles.


12. Training in snippets: Bite-sized learning gaining traction

Bite-sized learning, or microlearning, has emerged as a transformative approach, complementing the engaging elements of gamification we previously discussed. This learning style, delivering content in short, digestible segments, is perfectly attuned to today's fast-paced, information-dense environments.

The effectiveness of microlearning in L&D extends across multiple dimensions. It brings efficiency by enabling learners to quickly absorb and retain key information, without lengthy time commitments. Aberdeen Group's research further underscores this by revealing that microlearning can cut training costs by as much as 50%.

Additionally, this method's alignment with the principles of gamified learning – where elements such as point scoring and challenges keep learners engaged – creates a symbiotic relationship. The combination of microlearning’s targeted content delivery and gamification’s engaging features results in a learning experience that is both attention-grabbing and highly effective for knowledge retention and application.

Recognising the effectiveness of microlearning, Lingio simplifies the creation of custom, broadly accessible microlearning courses. Using artificial intelligence capabilities, Lingio crafts microlearning training courses from reliable sources, including trusted databases like Wikipedia and user-uploaded documents, in a matter of seconds.

13. Lifelong learning: The imperative of continuous skill development

The drive for ongoing upskilling and reskilling is anchored in several key factors. It enables individuals to adapt swiftly to technological advancements and shifts in workplace practices, ensuring their skills remain relevant and marketable. For organisations, investing in a continuous learning culture is a strategic move, essential for nurturing innovation and maintaining a competitive edge. Additionally, it plays a significant role in employee engagement and retention, as opportunities for growth and advancement are key drivers of job satisfaction.

By offering adaptive and flexible learning solutions, Lingio caters to the evolving needs of the modern workforce. In sectors like healthcare and hospitality, where rapid changes are commonplace, Lingio provides tailored learning paths that facilitate efficient upskilling and reskilling.

14. Work-learn balance: Embedding education in work processes

The concept of 'work-learn balance' is revolutionising the approach to professional development in today's business world. This trend involves embedding educational opportunities directly into the workflow, enabling employees to learn new skills while engaging in daily tasks.

This integration of learning and working serves multiple crucial purposes. It allows for the immediate application of skills, ensuring that learning is directly relevant and immediately applicable to the job. This immediacy bolsters skill retention and enhances job performance in real-time. Additionally, organisations can significantly reduce the downtime typically associated with traditional training methods by incorporating learning into the regular workflow.

Designed for today's fast-paced work environment, Lingio can seamlessly integrate learning into everyday work activities thanks to its mobile-first course formats and link-based sharing mechanism.

15. Secure and savvy: Elevating cybersecurity skills in the workforce

The trend of elevating cybersecurity skills within the workforce is becoming increasingly crucial in the L&D arena. As digital threats grow more sophisticated, the need to train employees in data security best practices and cyberattack preparedness isn’t just an option but a necessity.

By educating employees on identifying and responding to security threats, companies can create a first line of defence against cyberattacks. This training is also vital for legal compliance, as understanding data protection laws is crucial in today's regulatory landscape. Additionally, empowering employees with this knowledge fosters a culture of security awareness, making each team member a proactive participant in the organisation's digital defence strategy.

To elevate your team’s digital defence capabilities, explore Lingio’s cybersecurity courses for free today. Our specialised training provides not just awareness but practical tools and strategies for navigating the complexities of cybersecurity, ensuring your workforce is well-prepared to safeguard your organisation's digital assets.

16. Mindful learning: Integrating wellness into L&D

The growing integration of wellness and mental health support into training programs is a transformative trend that acknowledges the holistic needs of the modern workforce.

The rationale for incorporating wellness into L&D is multifaceted. It leads to heightened productivity as employees with access to mental health resources tend to be more engaged and focused. Additionally, training programs that include resilience, stress management, and mindfulness equip employees with the tools to navigate workplace challenges and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

A CIPD Health and Wellbeing at Work survey report indicates that mental health is a key focus in organisational well-being activities, with many companies implementing various supportive measures such as mental health training and flexible work options.

Adapt to these L&D trends now to lead tomorrow

The L&D landscape is transforming, and the opportunity for growth and innovation is immense.

All the current trends in learning and development, from generative AI integration to wellness-focused learning, offer a roadmap to a more dynamic, skilled, and resilient workforce. This is a call to action for L&D professionals - seize these trends to craft learning experiences that aren’t just current but visionary.

In this pursuit, Lingio stands as a beacon of innovation and adaptability. Our eLearning AI platform exemplifies how to harness these emerging trends effectively. With Lingio, you can access cutting-edge training tools and methodologies, from AI-powered, gamified course creation to comprehensive wellness and cybersecurity programs designed to help you shape a more capable, adaptable, and thriving workforce.

Let's lead the change together. Book a personalised demo of Lingio for your L&D needs today!


1. What are the emerging trends in training and development?

Emerging trends in training and development include generative AI and AR integration for immersive learning, personalised learning paths tailored to individual needs, and a focus on mental health and wellness. The shift to microlearning also offers concise, focused content for efficient learning. The trend of embedding education directly into work processes is also gaining traction. Another addition to new trends in learning and development is cybersecurity training, equipping employees with skills to tackle digital threats. These trends are reshaping the L&D landscape, making learning more engaging, efficient, and relevant to today's workforce needs


2. What are some effective ways to keep up-to-date with the latest L&D trends and best practices?

To stay on top of the latest trends in learning and development and best practices, consuming industry-leading resources is essential. Regularly reading industry reports, attending webinars and conferences, and participating in professional networks and online forums are effective strategies. Additionally, following publications and blogs from thought leaders is crucial. For insightful tips and best practices, the Lingio blog is an excellent resource for training professionals and managers, offering a wealth of information on the latest developments in L&D.


3. What is corporate learning and development?

Corporate learning and development (L&D) refers to the systematic process employed by organisations to enhance the skills, knowledge, and competencies of their workforce. It involves structured training programs, educational resources, and professional development opportunities designed to improve employee performance, productivity, and personal growth, aligning with the organisation's goals and objectives. L&D programs are integral to fostering a skilled, adaptable, and innovative workforce in the corporate environment.

4. What is the demand for learning and development professionals?

One of the top barriers to supporting organisational and people goals is insufficient L&D team capacity, as per the CIPD Learning at Work 2023 survey report. This suggests a growing need for more L&D specialists, particularly those who can work with advanced technologies to enhance training efficiency and effectiveness. As organisations recognise the importance of continuous employee development, the role of skilled L&D professionals becomes more crucial.


5. What are the new technologies for L&D?

New technologies revolutionising L&D include Generative AI, Augmented Reality (AR), and Virtual Reality (VR). Generative AI, as used by Lingio, transforms raw knowledge files into comprehensive course content in seconds, streamlining the creation of personalised and effective learning materials. AR and VR technologies create immersive and interactive training environments, enhancing learner engagement and providing realistic simulations for hands-on experience. These advancements are key in making L&D more adaptable, engaging, and aligned with the specific learning needs of individuals.

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Image of Fredrik Selander
Fredrik Selander
Fredrik Selander is the Head of Marketing at Lingio, an edtech company specializing in a Gamified Employee Training. With a passion for technology, aviation, and the limitless potential of generative AI, Fredrik brings a creative and innovative perspective to his work. His love for travel fuels his curiosity, making him a dynamic force in the world of digital marketing.

Table of contents

Learning and development trends: What to expect in 2024

1. Data at the helm: Steering L&D with metrics and analytics

2. The personal touch: The custom learning approach takes centre stage

3. Safe spaces for learning: Encouraging risk-taking and expression

4. From classroom to screen: The rise of blended training methods

5. Learning at the speed of need: The shift to on-demand education

6. Inclusive learning: Fusing D&I with L&D strategies

7. Community at the core: Social dynamics in L&D

8. Immersive learning: Harnessing VR, AR, and mixed reality in L&D

9. Empowering learners: The rise of user-generated content in LXPs

10. Remote revolution: Rethinking training for virtual teams

11. Play to learn: The power of gamification in learning

12. Training in snippets: Bite-sized learning gaining traction

13. Lifelong learning: The imperative of continuous skill development

14. Work-learn balance: Embedding education in work processes

15. Secure and savvy: Elevating cybersecurity skills in the workforce

16. Mindful learning: Integrating wellness into L&D

Adapt to these L&D trends now to lead tomorrow



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