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15 employee engagement metrics: How to improve them for frontline workforce

Image of Fredrik Selander
Fredrik Selander
Published: Jun 24, 2024
Updated: Aug 16, 2024


Employee engagement metrics: How to improve them for frontline workforce

Measuring employee engagement metrics has become crucial for organisational success in today's competitive business landscape. Engaged employees are likelier to give their best effort, show commitment, and contribute positively to the company's growth. However, measuring employee engagement can be challenging, especially for frontline workers who directly interact with customers and play a vital role in creating a positive brand experience. In this article, we will explore various employee engagement metrics and discuss practical strategies to improve engagement levels for frontline employees.


Understanding employee engagement

Before we delve into the metrics, it is essential to understand what high employee engagement means clearly. Employee engagement refers to employees' emotional commitment and dedication towards their work and the organisation. It goes beyond job satisfaction and encompasses dedication, motivation, enthusiasm, and loyalty.

Employee engagement is crucial to organisational success, directly impacting productivity, retention rates, and overall company performance. Engaged employees are likelier to go the extra mile, contribute innovative ideas, and build strong relationships with colleagues. This creates a positive work environment and increases customer satisfaction and business growth.

Furthermore, employee engagement is more than just a one-size-fits-all concept. Different individuals may be motivated by other factors, such as opportunities for career development, recognition for their hard work, or a sense of purpose in their roles. Organisations must tailor their engagement strategies to meet their workforce's unique needs and preferences, ultimately fostering a culture of engagement and empowerment.


15 key employee engagement metrics and how to improve them

While numerous metrics can be used to measure employee engagement, we will focus on the following 15 key metrics that are particularly relevant for frontline workers. By understanding these metrics and implementing effective strategies, organisations can enhance employee engagement and create a more positive, productive work environment.


1. Employee satisfaction formula

Employee satisfaction is a critical metric impacting engagement levels and an engaged workforce. To measure employee engagement and satisfaction, you can use the following formula:

Employee Satisfaction = (Number of Satisfied Employees / Total Number of Employees) * 100

Employee satisfaction can be improved through various means, such as offering competitive compensation, recognising and rewarding achievements, providing a supportive work environment, and promoting work-life balance.


2. Employee retention formula

The employee retention rate measures the percentage of employees who stay with the company over a given period. Calculate it using the formula:

Employee Retention Rate = ((Number of Employees at the End of a Period - Number of New Hires During the Same Period) / Number of Employees at the Start of the Period) * 100

Implementing effective onboarding programs, providing ongoing training and career development opportunities, and creating a positive company culture can help improve employee retention rates.


3. Absenteeism rates formula

Absenteeism rates reflect the frequency and duration of employee absences. Measure employee absenteeism rates using the formula:

Absenteeism Rate = (Number of Days of Absence / (Total Number of Work Days - Total Number of Public Holidays)) * 100

To reduce absenteeism rates, organisations can focus on promoting work-life balance, providing flexible work arrangements, offering employee wellness programs, and addressing underlying issues that contribute to employee absenteeism rates and overall employee engagement metrics.


4. Employee Net Promoter Score (NPS)

The Employee Net Promoter Score (NPS) measures employee loyalty and the likelihood of current employees recommending the company as a place to work. Calculate the eNPS using the following formula:

eNPS = % of Promoters - % of Detractors

To improve eNPS, organisations should prioritise listening to employee feedback, addressing concerns, providing opportunities for growth and development, and fostering a positive work culture.


5. Productivity levels

Productivity levels are crucial indicators of high employee engagement metrics. High productivity levels are often the result of highly engaged employees who feel motivated and empowered. Implementing productivity tracking tools, setting clear goals and expectations, providing necessary resources and training, and recognising and rewarding achievements can help boost productivity.


6. Employee motivation

Employee motivation is crucial for high levels of engagement. Organisations can improve these employee engagement metrics by enhancing communication, aligning individual goals with organisational objectives, providing regular feedback and recognition, and fostering a positive work environment that promotes collaboration and autonomy.


7. Voluntary employee turnover rate

Voluntary employee turnover rate refers to the percentage of employees voluntarily leaving the company. A high turnover and low employee engagement rate can indicate a need for more engagement and satisfaction. Organisations should invest in retention strategies, provide competitive compensation and benefits, offer growth opportunities, and create a positive work culture to reduce voluntary turnover.


8. Employee feedback and involvement in engagement initiatives

Employee feedback and involvement play a crucial role in improving employee engagement metrics. Organisations should establish transparent communication channels, encourage open dialogue, take employee engagement surveys and actively involve employees in decision-making processes and engagement initiatives. Regular surveys, focus groups, and team meetings can provide valuable insights and help identify areas for improvement.


9. Employee recognition programs

Implementing employee recognition programs can significantly contribute to the growth of employee engagement metrics. Recognising and appreciating employee contributions boosts morale and reinforces a sense of value and belonging. Organisations can establish formal recognition programs, such as "Employee of the Month" awards or peer-to-peer recognition platforms, to celebrate achievements and encourage a culture of appreciation.


10. Career development opportunities

Providing employees with opportunities for growth and advancement is crucial for their engagement and long-term commitment to the organisation. Organisations can offer training programs, mentorship initiatives, and clear career paths to help employees develop their skills and achieve their professional goals. By investing in their employees' development, organisations demonstrate their commitment to their workforce and foster a culture of continuous learning.


11. Employee well-being initiatives

Employee well-being is a vital aspect of engagement. Organisations can implement well-being initiatives, such as employee assistance programs, mental health support, and wellness activities, to promote a healthy work-life balance. By prioritising the employee experience and well-being, organisations show commitment to their employees' physical and psychological health, increasing employee engagement metrics and overall productivity.


12. Diversity and inclusion efforts

Promoting diversity and inclusion within the workplace is ethically essential and contributes to employee engagement. Organisations can create inclusive policies, foster a diverse workforce, and provide diversity training to ensure all employees feel valued, respected, and included. By embracing diversity, organisations can tap into various perspectives and experiences, further enhancing creativity, innovation, and overall engagement.


13. Employee empowerment

Empowering employees by giving them autonomy, decision-making authority, and opportunities to contribute to the organisation's success can significantly impact employee engagement metrics. Organisations can foster a culture of empowerment by delegating responsibilities, encouraging independent thinking, and providing a supportive environment where employees feel trusted and valued. Empowered employees are likelier to be engaged, motivated, and committed to achieving their goals.


14. Team-building activities

Organising team-building activities can strengthen relationships, foster collaboration, and boost employee engagement metrics. Organisations can plan regular team-building events, such as team lunches, outdoor activities, or volunteering opportunities, to encourage social interaction and create a sense of camaraderie among employees. By investing in team-building, organisations can create a positive and cohesive work environment where employees feel connected and motivated to work together towards common goals.


15. Manager-employee relationship quality

The quality of relationships between managers and their employees is a critical engagement metric. Regular surveys should be conducted to measure employee engagement metrics, and employee feedback about their interactions with their managers should be gathered.

To measure the quality of manager-employee relationships, conduct comprehensive surveys that include questions about trust, communication, support, and overall satisfaction with managerial interactions. Use a mix of quantitative and qualitative questions to capture a detailed picture of the relationship dynamics.

For example, ask employees to rate statements like “I feel supported by my manager” or “My manager communicates effectively with me” on a Likert scale. Additionally, open-ended questions should be included to gather more in-depth feedback. Regularly review and analyse the survey results to identify trends, strengths, and areas for improvement. Combine these insights with other data sources, such as 360-degree feedback and performance reviews, to better understand the quality of the manager-employee relationships. By systematically gathering and analysing this data, organisations can develop targeted strategies to enhance these relationships and boost employee engagement metrics.


Five ready-to-go tips to improve eNPS for frontline employees

When it comes to enhancing eNPS specifically for frontline employees, organisations can implement the following tips:

Tip 1. Enhance communication channels

Effective communication is essential for frontline employees who often interact directly with customers. Establish clear communication channels, provide regular updates, and encourage feedback from frontline employees to ensure they feel informed and valued.

Enhancing communication channels involves more than just establishing them. It requires organisations to create an open and transparent communication culture where frontline employees feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and concerns. Regular updates should not be limited to company-wide announcements but should include specific information relevant to the frontline employees' roles and responsibilities.

Tip 2. Provide opportunities for career development

Offering growth and development opportunities to frontline employees can enhance their sense of value and engagement. Provide training programs, mentorship opportunities, and pathways for advancement to keep frontline employees motivated and invested in their careers.

Providing opportunities for career development is about more than just offering training programs. It also involves creating a clear career progression path and ensuring equal access to growth opportunities for all frontline employees. Mentorship programs can be particularly effective in guiding and supporting employees as they navigate their career journeys.

Tip 3. Recognise and reward contributions

Frontline employees often go above and beyond to deliver exceptional service. Recognise their efforts and reward outstanding employee performance through various means, such as employee recognition programs, incentive schemes, or public acknowledgement.

Tip 4. Foster a positive work environment

Creating a positive work environment is crucial for frontline employees who deal directly with customers. Encourage teamwork, celebrate successes, and promote a supportive culture that values inclusivity, respect, and collaboration. Fostering a positive work environment requires continuous effort. It involves promoting a culture of appreciation where employees feel valued and supported. Celebrating successes, both big and small, can create a sense of camaraderie and teamwork among frontline employees, leading to increased job satisfaction and loyalty.

Tip 5. Act on employee feedback

Listening to employee feedback is the first step; organisations must also act. To demonstrate that their opinions are valued, organisations must actively address concerns, implement changes based on feedback, and regularly communicate progress to frontline employees.

Acting on employee feedback is not just about listening; it requires organisations to take tangible steps to address concerns and implement changes. Regularly communicating progress shows frontline employees that their feedback is taken seriously and that their voices directly impact the organisation's decision-making process.


Transform your frontline workforce with Lingio

Understanding and improving employee engagement metrics is just the beginning. At Lingio, we take your frontline workforce's training and development to the next level. Our unique blend of artificial intelligence, gamification, and custom courses makes learning a practical and delightful experience. 

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1. How often should employee engagement metrics be measured?

HR teams should measure employee engagement regularly to track progress, identify areas for improvement, and identify areas for improvement. Depending on the organisation's size and specific needs, measuring employee engagement annually, bi-annually, or quarterly can provide valuable insights.


2. Do employee engagement metrics vary across industries?

Engagement metrics vary across industries due to different work environments, roles, and organisational cultures. While specific metrics may be universal, organisations must tailor their engagement strategies and metrics to track them based on their particular industry and workforce.


3. How can frontline employees be engaged despite their limited autonomy?

While frontline employees may have limited autonomy compared to other roles, engagement can still be fostered by providing growth opportunities, recognising their contributions, promoting a positive work environment, and involving them in decision-making processes within their scope of work.


4. What are some practical ways to measure employee engagement?

You can measure employee engagement metrics through annual surveys, focus groups, and one-on-one discussions. Additionally, tracking productivity and performance metrics and analysing employee feedback can provide valuable insights into the levels of engagement metrics.


5. How long does it take to see improvements in engagement metrics?

The time it takes to see improvements in engagement metrics can vary based on numerous factors, such as the organisation's current state, the strategies implemented, and the level of commitment from leadership. However, with consistent effort and a focus on addressing pain points, organisations can begin to see positive changes in engagement metrics within a few months to a year.

Improving employee engagement metrics for frontline workers requires a comprehensive approach that focuses on understanding this group's unique challenges and needs. By measuring employee engagement correctly and implementing effective strategies, organisations can create a workplace where frontline employees feel motivated, valued, and empowered to deliver exceptional customer experiences.

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Image of Fredrik Selander
Fredrik Selander
Fredrik Selander is the Head of Marketing at Lingio, an EdTech company specialising in gamified employee training. With a passion for technology, aviation, and the limitless potential of generative AI, Fredrik brings a creative and innovative perspective to his work. His love for travel fuels his curiosity, making him a dynamic force in the world of digital marketing.

Table of contents

Employee engagement metrics: How to improve them for frontline workforce

Understanding employee engagement

15 key employee engagement metrics and how to improve them

Five ready-to-go tips to improve eNPS for frontline employees

Transform your frontline workforce with Lingio


Start coaching your employees today!



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