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How to build a course with AI: Step-by-step guide for 2024

Image of Ellie Swain
Ellie Swain
Published: Dec 19, 2023
Updated: May 03, 2024


Introduction on building a course with AI

Did you know that the artificial intelligence (AI) education market size is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate of 36% from 2022 to 2030

Today, AI stands at the forefront of a revolutionary change in training and education, as traditional teaching methods are being transformed and replaced by intelligent algorithms. AI's role in modern education is a game changer, offering benefits such as custom courses, data-driven insights, and innovative content delivery methods.

We’re here to explore the effect of AI in training, from its rising significance to the best practices on how to build a course with AI to transform learning. You'll discover the potential benefits and challenges of AI courses, how to plan and develop content using tools, and much more. Welcome to your step-by-step roadmap on how to create online courses with AI that are educational, engaging, and effective.



The rise of AI in education

The rise of AI in education marks a pivotal shift in how knowledge is imparted and received. The educational sector has increasingly embraced AI in recent years, recognising its potential to revolutionise learning and teaching. As we approach 2024, the influence of AI in education is more significant than ever, showing up in online platforms and classrooms everywhere. 

One of the most significant advancements is the customisation of learning experiences, such as training using AI courses. AI algorithms can analyse patterns, preferences, and performance to tailor training content, making learning more adaptive and responsive to user needs. This custom teaching approach ensures that people are neither under-challenged nor overwhelmed, boosting their learning efficiency and engagement. 

Moreover, AI can help streamline administrative tasks, freeing HR staff and educators from time-consuming duties like grading and planning. Many AI-powered tools can now accurately create and grade courses, allowing staff to avoid dealing with tedious paperwork. Training content can now be automatically updated and implemented with the latest information, keeping learning and training materials relevant and current. 

In addition, by analysing data patterns, AI can predict training performance, identify potential learning gaps, and make suggestions to prevent learners from falling behind. 


Getting started: Understanding AI in course creation

Getting started with AI in course creation requires a fundamental understanding of AI's core concepts and its potential impacts. AI in training primarily revolves around machine learning, natural language processing, and predictive analytics, all of which play crucial roles in developing, enhancing, and rapidly speeding up the online course creation process. 

Machine learning enables AI systems to learn from data and improve over time. When creating courses, this translates to AI algorithms adapting to training patterns and customising the content and teaching methods to suit specific needs.

Natural language processing allows AI to understand and interact with human language, making it possible to create chatbots and virtual assistants that can assist learners and educators. 

Predictive analytics in AI uses historical data to predict future trends. In educational courses, this might mean predicting learner performance, identifying areas where they might struggle, and proactively providing additional resources or tailored support. 

Thanks to these features and concepts, AI can offer custom training, adapting the difficulty level and content to match people’s learning pace. This ability is particularly beneficial when you create courses using AI, as it tailors the learning experience to individual needs. Additionally, AI provides valuable insights into performance, enabling people to customise their teaching strategies effectively.



Planning your AI-integrated course

Ready to learn how to use AI to create a course? Planning an AI-integrated course typically involves blending traditional content planning with the innovative capabilities of technology. Let's learn how to effectively plan and create a course using AI.


1. Identifying course objectives 

If you want to create a course with AI, make sure first to pinpoint your objectives. What do you want learners to achieve by the end of the course? It may involve onboarding for a new job, mastering a new skill, understanding a complex concept, or applying knowledge in practical scenarios.

Clear objectives help guide every aspect of your course design. They ensure that the AI tools and techniques you'll incorporate later align perfectly with what you aim to achieve. 


2. Target audience analysis 

The next thing to consider when you create a course with AI is your audience. Who are your learners? What's their current knowledge level? Understanding your audience is vital to tailor your course to their needs. This insight will help you decide how to leverage AI for custom learning experiences, making your course both informative and incredibly engaging. 


3. AI tools selection for course planning 

Now, let's talk tech. Selecting the right AI eLearning platform or tool may feel overwhelming, as there are so many options to choose from. When you create courses with AI-powered software, the trick is to choose a platform that aligns with your training objectives and meets your audience's needs. 

Consider user-friendliness, scalability, and how the tool will enhance the training experience. At Lingio, we’re proud to offer a comprehensive eLearning platform, including our AI Course Creator, coaching portal for managers, and premium course library with ready-to-go courses.

Remember, online course creation using AI is typically a balance between training goals, learner needs, and the smart use of technology.


Content development with AI

Once you have a plan in place, it’s time to develop and create your course content. If you want to learn how to create an online course with AI, finding out more about content development with the tool is essential. Let’s go over some key components of content development when you build a course with AI, including research, curation, and personalisation.


1. AI in content research and curation

If you plan to create online courses using AI, it’s good to know it excels in gathering and curating educational content. AI sifts through vast databases, selecting relevant, high-quality course material. This expedites the content creation process and ensures the information is up-to-date and comprehensive, catering to diverse learning needs. 


2. AI-driven content personalisation 

Personalisation is a game-changer in training. By analysing learner data, AI customises content to fit individual learning styles and paces, making training more effective and engaging. It adapts the difficulty level and type of content based on responses, ensuring a tailored educational journey. 


3. Using AI for content creation and organisation 

Learning platforms like Lingio use AI for online course creation and organisation. Tools like our AI Course Creator, used for designing structured, interactive, and immersive courses, include gamified elements and scenario-based learning.

Lingio's AI assistant enables organisations and individuals to create well-organised, engaging courses that are easily accessible and relevant.


Interactive learning: AI in course delivery

One of AI's primary roles in course delivery is making learning not just a process but a gripping and fun experience. When you create courses with AI, discover how it can transform your training material into an interactive learning journey. 


1. AI-driven eLearning platforms 

AI-driven eLearning platforms like Lingio are designed to be smart and intuitive. They can help organisations and individuals use AI to create online courses, track learner’s progress, and provide coaching through the platform. 

As well as creating complete courses, if you need some inspiration, AI eLearning platforms can help you generate the following:

  • Course description
  • Course outline
  • Course structure
  • Course draft

Make sure to look for features such as an outline generator to help you learn how to create a course with AI. 


2. Gamification and interactive elements 

An AI course generator adds fun to learning with gamification and interactive elements in teaching and training. Try to incorporate exciting gamification elements into your courses, such as quizzes that adapt to responses, simulations that change based on decisions made, or story-based learning journeys with custom characters. These training approaches keep learners motivated, turning each lesson into a playful and rewarding experience. Many eLearning platforms will allow for the easy incorporation of gamification and interactive elements when you make a course with AI.


3. Real-time feedback and adaptation 

Feedback is crucial. And with an AI course generator, it becomes instant and personal. Look out for AI platforms that provide real-time feedback on employee’s performances, offering critiques and suggestions. This continuous loop of feedback and adaptation means users can quickly identify areas for improvement and adjust their learning strategies accordingly, leading us to our next section. 


Assessment and feedback through AI

Thanks to AI, the days of one-size-fits-all tests and delayed feedback during training are gone. AI brings a personalised, efficient, and incredibly insightful approach to evaluating and enhancing learning. Let's explore how AI can revolutionise assessment and feedback when you build an online course with AI.


1. Automated grading systems 

Automated grading systems can save hours for those in charge of training. AI-powered systems can swiftly grade multiple-choice and fill-in-the-blank questions, consistently getting smarter and quicker. Some can even handle grading more complex responses, like essays. This means you can provide immediate results and feedback to staff, keeping their learning momentum strong and allowing them to train in their own time without waiting for input or seeing if their answers are right or wrong. 


2. AI in formative and summative assessments 

AI helps create regular, smaller assessments that provide ongoing insights into training. These bite-sized, mini courses are sometimes referred to as microlearning courses. Strong, distinctive mini courses can help with engagement and retention.

An accurate and complete mini course generator tool can provide short, concentrated microlearning courses that can improve information retention. The Ebbinghaus forgetting curve shows that learners forget an average of 70% of fresh information within 24 hours. But, microlearning counteracts this by reinforcing key concepts in a timely manner. 


3. Continuous learning feedback loops 

The magic of AI also lies in creating continuous learning feedback loops. An AI course creator and training platform learns from each person’s performance. It can then use this data to adjust the course content, difficulty level, and even the style of future assessments. This adaptive feedback feature ensures that the course evolves to meet the specific needs of each learner.

With a course creator tool, assessment and feedback become more than just a concluding part of the learning process. They transform into an ongoing conversation between the course and the learner, each adapting and responding to the other. This approach ensures that learning is nurtured when we create an online course with AI.


Overcoming challenges in AI course creation

If you want to create an online course using AI, knowing there are challenges to consider is essential. Let's explore how to gracefully tackle these hurdles and create AI-generated courses that are smart, impactful, and ethically responsible. 


1. Technical challenges

Stepping into the world of AI can feel like learning a new language. There's a lot of tech jargon, complex software, and data analysis involved. If you’re new to using an AI course generator, the key is to start simple.

Choosing user-friendly tools that don't require advanced technical skills is essential when using AI for creating courses. Plenty of intuitive eLearning platforms are designed for people without any tech experience. 

And remember, it's okay to ask for help. Collaborating with tech-savvy colleagues, hiring a tech consultant, or contacting your AI course creator’s support team can make your experience much smoother. 


2. Ethical considerations

While an AI course creator has the power to transform learning, it also raises concerns about data privacy and bias. As AI systems require large amounts of data to function effectively, there may be a risk of data breaches, misuse, or sharing incorrect information. It's crucial to choose AI tools that prioritise data security and privacy. And it’s essential to be vigilant about potential biases in AI algorithms, so be sure to review and update your AI tools regularly.

Additionally, there's the challenge of ensuring that AI tools are accessible to everyone, including those with disabilities, and that they don't amplify existing educational inequalities. The good news is that many eLearning platforms focus on inclusive learning for all, including Lingio. Lingio has recently partnered with the International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP) in a decisive step towards reimagining workspace training.

"This collaboration is uniquely designed to foster digital inclusion and transform learning into a more accessible and fun experience that yields 12 times better results powered by gamification principles, modern pedagogy, and multi-language support," says Yashar Moradbakhti, CEO of Lingio.

Another concern is the potential reduction in human interaction in education, which is crucial for developing social skills and critical thinking. In many cases, learning from an AI course creator works well alongside in-person classes. Such is the case of The Spången Project, which accelerated teacher-led training by 4x with the help of Lingio’s AI courses.


3. Ensuring quality and relevance 

Lastly, we must ensure that we maintain quality and relevance when we create courses using AI. At Lingio, we only use reliable AI, leveraging the most reliable sources to develop your training courses and extracting content from trusted databases like Wikipedia or from personally uploaded documents. Plus, during the course creation process, you can verify and edit AI-based suggestions and answers to ensure their accuracy before publishing.

When using AI to create online courses, remember that it’s a tool, not a replacement for good teaching practices. Be sure to continuously engage with learners to receive feedback when you create courses with AI.

With careful planning, ethical considerations, and a focus on quality, you can create a learning experience that's not just technologically advanced but also deeply enriching and inclusive.


How Lingio can assist you in building a course with AI

At Lingio, our roots in technological innovation and expertise come from our founders, who have backgrounds from Spotify and EA Games. Our AI Course Creator is at the heart of our eLearning platform, swiftly transforming training material into engaging, customised courses that users can access anytime they like on a mobile device. 

We use the latest AI technology to create and structure custom content, ensuring that every course is informative and engaging. This AI-driven approach ensures that the courses are dynamic, adapting to the feedback and progress of learners to provide a continuously evolving learning environment. 

With just a few clicks, courses can be shared with all employees, ensuring that teams are up-to-date with everything, including the latest company policies, procedures, and industry developments. This quick and efficient distribution method isn’t just a time-saver. It’s a way to ensure that all staff members, regardless of location or time zone, have immediate access to vital training resources. 

The gamification elements integrated into our courses add another layer of engagement. Drawing on our founders' experience in the gaming industry, we’ve infused our courses with interactive features like quizzes, stories, and microlearning activities to make them as engrossing as possible.



Case studies: Successful AI-integrated courses

Here at Lingio, we’re proud to share some of our own case studies that illustrate the remarkable impact and possibilities of AI in course creation.


Training 7000 bus drivers: How Nobina’s digital transformation

Nobina, the Nordic region's largest public transport operator, collaborated with us at Lingio to enhance its employee training program. We digitally transformed their traditional employee handbook into engaging, interactive, and gamified courses, training 7,000 bus drivers

This training approach significantly improved the learning experience for Nobina’s staff and the company's operational efficiency. The initiative was a resounding success, evidenced by positive employee feedback, demonstrating the transformative power of AI in redefining workforce training and development and marking a significant leap in digital learning solutions in the transportation sector.


Scandic Hotels' multilingual training

With a diverse workforce across multiple countries, Scandic Hotels partnered with our team at Lingio to tackle language barriers in their operations. They introduced professional Swedish language AI courses via Lingio's platform, specifically designed for those in the hospitality industry. This move significantly enhanced communication skills among employees, contributing to better integration and service quality. The initiative highlights the crucial role of AI in facilitating effective workplace language learning, promoting cultural inclusivity and operational excellence.

Undoubtedly, course creation with AI is a gateway to more personalised, streamlined, and engaging training. AI's capabilities in predictive analytics, adaptive learning, and content personalisation revolutionise how we approach learning, making it more responsive to individual learner needs. As we look towards the future, the role of AI in training is set to become even more pivotal. 

We encourage you to join us in this exciting journey of creating courses with AI. Embrace the power of AI with Lingio to develop courses that are as dynamic and diverse as your learners. Get ready to create an online course with AI today with Lingio and join the future of training.


Can AI be used in any subject or field for course creation?

Absolutely, AI can be used in virtually any subject or field for course creation. Its adaptability and advanced data processing capabilities make it ideal for various types of training, from soft skills for healthcare professionals to onboarding for hospitality staff. AI can analyse and interpret vast amounts of content to create tailored, dynamic learning experiences. It identifies patterns and gaps in knowledge, allowing for the customisation of course material to fit diverse learning styles and needs. 

How can I ensure my AI-integrated course is accessible to all learners?

Ensuring your AI-integrated course is accessible to all learners involves a few key strategies. First, design the course with universal accessibility in mind, considering diverse learning abilities and needs. You can include features like subtitles for videos, screen reader compatibility, and alternative text for images. Also, incorporate various learning styles by blending text, audio, and visual elements. Then, regularly share courses with users of different backgrounds to identify and rectify accessibility issues. Additionally, choose AI tools that prioritise inclusivity and have features to adapt to different learning requirements, such as Lingio’s in-app language tool that translates industry terms to over 100 languages.


How does AI handle different learning styles and paces?

AI is adept at handling different learning styles and paces. It uses machine learning algorithms to understand individual preferences, strengths, and areas for improvement. If a learner grasps concepts quickly, AI can present more challenging material, or it can slow down and reinforce topics as needed. This customisation ensures that each learner receives a tailored educational experience, maximising their engagement and understanding.

Image of Ellie Swain
Ellie Swain
Ellie is a full-time writer from London and has been working with Lingio since the end of 2022. She loves contributing to a company that makes learning and development easier and more accessible for people. In her spare time, she loves travelling, watching live music, and trying new restaurants.

Table of contents

Introduction on building a course with AI

The rise of AI in education

Getting started: Understanding AI in course creation

Planning your AI-integrated course

Content development with AI

Interactive learning: AI in course delivery

Assessment and feedback through AI

Overcoming challenges in AI course creation

How Lingio can assist you in building a course with AI

Case studies: Successful AI-integrated courses



Start building your course with AI today!



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